Digital operating manual

Save money.
Protect the environment.

Overview and solution approach to the EU Machinery Regulation for the digital operating manual.

And the implementation within the context of the old Machinery Directive.

Digitale Betriebsanleitung EU - ECHO PRM

Background and implementation in our new white paper.
(as of April 2024)

In a nutshell:

The time has come!

After more than 15 years, the previous EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC will be replaced by the new EU Machinery Regulation.

For technical documentation, a long-awaited change is becoming a reality:

The absolutely legally compliant implementation of digital operating instructions.

And they are already available now – even under the Machinery Directive of 2006, which is still valid.

Manufacturers of machines and similar products can now finally get started.

The future is

The new regulation will not come into force until January 20, 2027 (Article 54 of the regulation).

However, the digital operating instructions can be implemented straight away.

This is possible because the guidelines for the old Machinery Directive were updated accordingly in April 2024.



EU Sterne

The so-called Guide to the Application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC contains explanations of the official requirements.

This 3rd update (edition 2.3) from April 2024 contains clarifications on instructions/manuals if they are available in digital form.

To summarize: If you follow the rules of the new EU Machinery Regulation from 2023, documents in digital format can also be provided in accordance with the currently valid old directive!

In addition to the obvious advantages, such as resource and cost savings, digital instructions have further benefits.

In the risk assessment for CE marking, safety can be massively increased by a digital supplement. This is especially true if components that are easier to consume are provided digitally, such as clickable instructions, video tutorials, etc.

Too much money for too much paper

An example: One page of printed paper costs about 0.06€. Let’s assume you produce 2000 machines a year. Each manual contains 300 pages. This results in 600,000 sheets of paper just for printing the instructions.

600.000 x 0,06 € = 36.000 €

Annual expenses

The smart way to digital operating manuals

The future of operating manuals is digital.

ECHO PRM is the tool for machine manufacturers that enables you to use the machine ordinance for yourself to save costs, paper waste and service effort and to protect the environment together. Your user simply scans the QR code on your product using a smartphone and immediately receives an overview with all the information relevant to him. Done.

ECHO PRM Oberflaeche am Handy

Smart thinking.
Smart done.

From now on, your customers can forget about losing the operating manual!

100 Prozent

Compatible with any camera and internet-enabled device

ECHO PRM Logo Weiß Quadrat
100 Prozent

Your digital operating manual is GDPR compliant on servers in Germany

Ein Quadratzentimeter mit Pfeil
Ein Quadratzentimeter

replaces countless, useless sheets of paper


Digital Emojis

to protect

Umwelt Emojis

Create your own help centre

Your pics.
Your colors.
Your features.
Your ECHO.

Design your ECHO PRM to fit seamlessly into your CI. Images, colours and the customer approach are 100% customisable. Increase your customer satisfaction with features that help your users connect with you.

What else? ECHO PRM is so much more!

Neues Level der Kundenkommunikation

Customer feedback. Interaction. Direct & simple!

In addition to providing information, the entire communication with the end user can be taken to a whole new level: Cleverly evaluate categorised feedback, process and document service requests and so much more.
Learn more

Scan. There it is.

To use ECHO PRM, your customer does not need to install an app or log in! Access is possible immediately with any smartphone or tablet. One scan is enough and your user has access to all stored documents, device specifications, applications and much more. Why make things complicated when they can be so simple?

Sicherheit und DSGVO

Safety comes first. And second. And third.

At ECHO PRM, data protection is a core value. We do everything we can to keep your data safe on servers in Germany. We do not use tracking tools and work closely with professional data protectionists. No one but you can change information. We do not sell personal information and do not share data with third parties. Never.

Entspannter IT Mitarbeiter

On your marks. Ready!

We work every day to improve our product. Integrating ECHO PRM into your business is effortless. You have no IT and programming effort, are always kept up to date and automatically secure new features. So you can concentrate on what’s really important – your products.

Das ECHO PRM Backend

ECHO is simple. Great.

We want to save you time instead of saddling you with more work. Thanks to the hierarchical product logic in the backend, you can maintain, change and create your products with just a few clicks.

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Ein QR-Code. 100% Kundenfokus.

Wir leben im digitalen Zeitalter, trotzdem arbeiten viele Unternehmen – entweder weil die internen Prozesse veraltet sind oder weil es gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist – noch viel mit Papier.

Nutzer sind es heute jedoch gewohnt, mittels Smartphone schnellstmöglich an die für Sie relevanten Informationen zu gelangen.

Alles Andere führt zur Frustration.

Mit ECHO PRM stellen Sie Ihren Nutzern alle Informationen wie z.B. Anleitungen, Tutorials, FAQs, Serviceformulare, und Vieles mehr bereit. Ein Scan reicht und Ihr Nutzer kann mühelos & produktspezifisch mit Ihnen interagieren.

Das fehlende Puzzelstück in der Hersteller-Nutzer-Interaktion.

Besser für uns. Besser für den Planeten.

Gedruckte Betriebsanleitung veralten schnell, können nicht auf dem neuesten Stand gehalten werden, gehen verloren oder werden schmutzig und unlesbar. In einer immer digitaleren Welt mit aktuell ca. 4 Milliarden Smartphones (laut, haben wir längst eine einfache Möglichkeit, die passende Dokumentation zu einem Produkt immer aktuell in der Hosentasche dabei zu haben.

Eine 25 Meter hohe und 40cm dicke Fichte liefert ca. 3 Kubikmeter Holz, woraus rund 670 kg Papier hergestellt werden.* 

Bei einem Gewicht von 80g pro Seite können aus so einem Baum rund 130.000 DINA4-Seiten Papier gewonnen werden. Die Zahl gefällter Bäume für die Dokumentation von Maschinen und Anlagen übersteigt jede Vorstellungskraft.

Es ist also Zeit für eine massive Verringerung der papierbasierten Dokumentation und die EU bietet mit der neuen Verordnung wohl eine Möglichkeit zur Umsetzung.
