The components

ECHO Backend

With the ECHO PRM modules, the presentation, structure and all information to be displayed via the web app can be defined and managed. 


In the Design module, the corporate identity of your company, consisting of colours and your logo, can be designed and managed for each category.

Different designs can be stored here for different products or product categories, so that the web app user is always shown the interface that suits his or her product exactly.

In the Text module, texts (e.g. welcome text or news), supplemented with images and videos if necessary, can be stored and managed on a category-specific basis.

The display of the text fields, such as the arrangement in tiles in the web app, can also be defined here.

The Form module is the central module for creating and managing any type of form:

  • Extensive product surveys
  • Improvement and idea management
  • Photo upload, e.g. application pictures
  • This module can be used to generate and structure category-related feedback and to initiate interaction.

In the File module, category-specific documents, information and links can be stored and managed for the web app user.

In addition, these can be released for download or protected with a password.

Operating instructions, tutorials, manuals, etc. – always the right information on the right product / product user.

In the Responses module, user feedback or enquiries can be graphically evaluated on a category-specific basis (if necessary, down to SN level).

In addition, this can be easily exported as a csv file and entered into other customer-internal systems.

The Script module is aimed at back-end users who have programming skills in the Java Script language.

Here you can store your own “scripts” that run in the background of the web app.

Possible examples of this are the integration of an external chat provider or various tracking programmes.

Various other modules and functions (information on request) always ensure a flexible and automated allocation of content.

ECHO PRM Backend


The following applies in principle:

As soon as information and data from our customers can be made available online via an interface, we can retrieve it or, if necessary, play it out on external systems.


Only the relevant content is displayed to the right product user via various widgets.

By simply scanning a QR code, the web app user is always shown any content automatically in the right language.

No app, no registration and no login are required and yet every user sees only the content relevant to the product and can interact anonymously with the manufacturer.


The ECHO code is the “key” to the product-specific and intelligent web app.

Depending on the product, the ECHO code can also be used as a digital data plate, e.g. to communicate product-specific information or simply to meet a customer’s specifications.

Currently, the common QR code, which can be read by almost any mobile device, is our standard for accessing the product-specific web app.

An NFC tag can also be used on request.

Of course, we also supply our customers with the physical stickers on which the QR codes are printed.

We work with a professional and reliable printing company that guarantees the maximum quality of the stickers.

Wetness, dirt, UV exposure, high temperatures etc. are therefore no problem for our stickers. 

On request, we can also supply the sticker in your CI, with the corresponding colours and logo.

Digital product passport

Ein QR-Code. 100% Kundenfokus.

Wir leben im digitalen Zeitalter, trotzdem arbeiten viele Unternehmen – entweder weil die internen Prozesse veraltet sind oder weil es gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist – noch viel mit Papier.

Nutzer sind es heute jedoch gewohnt, mittels Smartphone schnellstmöglich an die für Sie relevanten Informationen zu gelangen.

Alles Andere führt zur Frustration.

Mit ECHO PRM stellen Sie Ihren Nutzern alle Informationen wie z.B. Anleitungen, Tutorials, FAQs, Serviceformulare, und Vieles mehr bereit. Ein Scan reicht und Ihr Nutzer kann mühelos & produktspezifisch mit Ihnen interagieren.

Das fehlende Puzzelstück in der Hersteller-Nutzer-Interaktion.

Besser für uns. Besser für den Planeten.

Gedruckte Betriebsanleitung veralten schnell, können nicht auf dem neuesten Stand gehalten werden, gehen verloren oder werden schmutzig und unlesbar. In einer immer digitaleren Welt mit aktuell ca. 4 Milliarden Smartphones (laut, haben wir längst eine einfache Möglichkeit, die passende Dokumentation zu einem Produkt immer aktuell in der Hosentasche dabei zu haben.

Eine 25 Meter hohe und 40cm dicke Fichte liefert ca. 3 Kubikmeter Holz, woraus rund 670 kg Papier hergestellt werden.* 

Bei einem Gewicht von 80g pro Seite können aus so einem Baum rund 130.000 DINA4-Seiten Papier gewonnen werden. Die Zahl gefällter Bäume für die Dokumentation von Maschinen und Anlagen übersteigt jede Vorstellungskraft.

Es ist also Zeit für eine massive Verringerung der papierbasierten Dokumentation und die EU bietet mit der neuen Verordnung wohl eine Möglichkeit zur Umsetzung.
