Minimum effort, maximum savings

Time required with ECHO

Cost savings

2,5 hours*

This is the approximate time per week that needs to be invested in the management of ECHO PRM.

Table of Contents
What? Content Hours
Activation of codes Assumption: 500 products per year
500/12 = approx. 42 per month
Activation per code takes about 30 seconds
--> 42x30 sec = 21 min; rounded up
Collection of new documents "Gathering" updates, consultations with other departments, etc. 3.00
Updating documents and content Updating operation manuals, links, tutorials, etc. 2.00
Create surveys Creation of new surveys
Assumption: 2 new surveys per year, 1 day per survey
2 days x 8h = 16h per year --> approx. 1.5h per month
Update surveys Adding new questions based on previous results, refining the survey, etc. 1.00
Evaluate surveys Regular analysis of survey results, exporting, processing in presentations, etc. 2.00
Total per month 10
Total per week 2.50


... and only 24 hours*

is needed for the initial set-up of the system (backend).

Content Table
What? Content Hours
Internal preparation Defining initial content (documents, texts, forms, etc.) 4.00
Training with ECHO PRM Training while creating the first content, onsite at the customer's location or remote via Teams 5.00
Building the initial content Following the training: uploading, linking documents, product-specific texts, selecting images (also for tiles), creating initial forms/surveys 8.00
Internal coordination and document collection "Gathering" materials and documents, consulting with colleagues/supervisors, etc. 4.00
Clarification of open questions Follow-up with ECHO PRM: addressing open questions, discussing functionalities, etc. 1.00
Incorporating activation into production Establishing internal process for activation, training colleagues in production, etc. 2.00
Total 24.00


No internal resources?


With "Managed ECHO" we take care of pretty much everything for you!



64.690 Euro!

This is the annual cost* you can save by using ECHO PRM.

Cost sheet*:

*Experience values & estimated

How does this work?